
a few ideas...

My mind rarely sleeps.
There is always something going on up there.
Here are a few things I’m thinking about in the world of my blog.

1. I am done with all but 2 of My Life People (reminders are out to them)…
but would love to add more to the list!! If you would like to
be featured as an upcoming MLP visit this post for all the details!!

2. I am thinking about compiling another community blog cookbook.
The one we put together in the summer of 2008(!)
is one of the top cookbooks in my collection. LOVE it.
What do you think?

 3. I am also considering a new guest blogger series.
Where you get to be a guest blogger on my blog!!
Would you be interested in being a guest blogging here?

4. Another series I'd like to start is one sharing some
of the several blogs that I love. There are so many out there
that I enjoy and are inspired by… and I want to share them with you :)

So… what do you think?
How do these ideas sound to you?
What would you like to see on this little ole blog of mine?
Any other ideas for me?

(and thank you. for reading and being part of this blog!!)
(it means more than you know.)


Allison said...

I'm a big fan of guest posts, because it introduces me to other blogs I might like. It's like a blog roll, but better because I get to be lazy. Heh.

I'm probably not cool enough to do it, but I could write a guest post if you get desperate ;)

I also like the cookbook idea. I'm not much of a cook, but I love seeing easy yet nutritious meals that parents come up with for weeknight dinners.

sarah said...

the cookbook idea sounds great to me!

Katie said...

Well I say do all three one of my favorite things about blogging is the ability to try things and even if it doesn't workout then you can try something else or just keeping doing it if you love it.

Krysty said...

Love all the ideas...but esp. sharing the blogs you read and how they've inspired you most. Also the COOKBOOK!! That was fun! Loved that!

Sam said...

I love seeing who people are reading from people I am reading. So yay! for that idea.

And I'd love to see (and maybe even contribute -- but that's up in the air) a blogger cookbook.

Anonymous said...

Love all of your ideas! Is there any way to get the old cookbook? I honestly feel like a blog-stalker because I check out your blog so much!!! LOVE IT!!!!


the mama said...

I also love all of these ideas. :) I didn't know about the cookbook (but it sounds awesome!) and yay about the guest blogger posts. :)

Anglican Mama said...

Aw, I haven't been a follower long, but I heart your blog. :) I loved all those ideas and would participate in all of them! The cookbook idea is fantastic, and I'm always up for reading recommended blogs--those are the best. :)

Swedish Mama said...

You have many good ideas. We enjoy all of them. Can't wait to see what you decide. Good seeing you guys Sunday.

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