
oh my kids.

these 2 crack me up.
and i LOVE it.
more kid conversations :)

You’re a busy lady.
You have 2 kids.
You have a husband.
You have to make cookies.
You have to make meals.
Lilly. Thursday Dec 23, 2010

“Two little socks on a mission.”
Sung by Cohen while folding laundry.
December 27, 2010

Daddy: it’s going to be warm out today.
Cohen: we can go to the beach?
December 31, 2010

Cohen: What if the monkeys get in?
Me: Cohen, there are no monkeys in our house. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen them running around in our neighborhood.
Cohen: They know how to get here.
Me: How?
Cohen: They use that little thing that shows the crazy ways to go. (holding his hands up like he’s adjusting a GPS on the windshield)
Me: The GPS?
Cohen: Yeah.
Me: But monkeys can’t drive.
Cohen: The people can.
February 3, 2011 Bedtime.

See that silver thing?
That’s the toilet.
I tried my best to make a toilet.
Everybody needs a toilet.
And a lamp.
February 4, 2011
Lilly, while making house furniture with her Ellos


the mama said...

I just snorted while reading about the monkeys. :) hahaha And I love that everyone needs a toilet and a lamp. Bless her! :)

April Poknis said...

i love your kiddos. wish i could have seen them this past weekend, but i hope everyone is feeling better :)

Anonymous said...

Oh these comments had me laughing out loud. Especially the monkey one and the socks. And the toilet. Well, really, all of them. :)

Sam said...

Great conversations. You have such great kids.

Katy Cameron said...

Hee hee, everyone should have entertaining offspring!

Jen said...

Beware of the monkeys...especially the ones with GPS!

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