


i make lists.

i have them scattered everywhere.
not sure that they help much.
but i do love the feeling of being able to cross things off :)

here is my 'main' list. my 'to-do' list.
this particular picture is my list from last week.
(i will be re-writing it today or tomorrow for this week)
as you can see, not much got crossed off.

some items are crossed off and done, so they dont go back on the new list.
some get re-written. several times over again. (like that first one on the list)
some things get added to the list.

then there is the inside of the cookbook/recipe cupboard door.
everyday meal idea list.
kid food idea list.
party food idea list.
school schedule (that is kind of a list)
my christmas wish list ;)
and a friendly reminder, from my awesome daughter... that i am ok :)this list is our favorite TV shows.
the ones we don't want to accidently miss.and the lists by my computer.
a list of blogging ideas.
a list of things i need to buy for LBE.

i make daily lists for the kids i watch.
when we eat, when they nap, when i change their diapers.

i'm positive there are more lists i could list.

so... are you a lister?
tell me im not crazy.
or at least tell me nicely, that i am :)


April Poknis said...

i have lists everywhere too....by the computer, on the refrigerator, in my teacher bag, on my nightstand, and all over my classroom! i make "to do" lists on the board every afternoon for my class and we cross off each task as we compete it so they can see how close they are to game time....so no, you're not crazy :) (although my 1st graders think i am!)

April Poknis said...

oh, and i have the sticky note application on my mac, which means i have electronic stickies with lists all over my desktop as well!

the mama said...

Hi my name is Arminda and I'm a lister. :p And to April, wow electronic stickies? I think I might faint, that is awesome.

Unknown said...

I am a lister. Unfortunately, I am not a doer. Being a lister does absolutely no good when you're not a doer as well. Sigh. One day.

Mary said...

I too do lists...I agree crossing things off is the best feeling : )

Abby said...

Add me to the list of listers! So glad to see I am not the only one who writes down TV shows. :)

Abby said...

Add me to the list of listers! So glad to see I am not the only one who writes down TV shows. :)

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

we are so the same. you're not any crazier than me. Last so you think you can dance one of the kids wrote a list and on it was make top 20 and my husband turned to me and said he was the man for me since he was such a lister

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