
praise Him in the rain

I’m not gonna lie.

I had a hard week.
A number of things going on. Not just one thing.
I shed a few tears. I thought a lot. I prayed a lot. I did my best to see.
I prayed for patience. For clarity. For strength. For my words. For wisdom.

I am a full believer that everything happens for a reason.
That everyone in my life and every situation in my life happens for a purpose.
That everything happens to teach us something.
And that God does things in our life to get us to the place He wants us to be.
To teach us how to be.

But life is still hard. And I am not always right. Sometimes I disappoint myself, and I disappoint others. Sometimes things still hurt. And that is ok. And I am ok. And that everything will be ok. Even if I cry too much.

And you know what. It’s not all about me. And that is ok.
It’s about others. And what is best for them. And how I can help them and be part of their life.

I am so so so very blessed. By all the wonderful people in my life.
That alone makes me wonder why I get so worked up about things.
I am emotional. I can’t hide my feelings. It’s true. But that is who I am.
And I am ok. I am enough.

We are all wonderfully made. And with much reason and purpose.
We all bring our own thing to the table. And that is good. 

I'm not in a storm. More like some gentle rain.  But I LOVE this song.
I will praise Him in the rain, because there is usually a rainbow just around the corner :)


Jen said...

I can relate to being emotional...sometimes I feel silly at how emotional I am! We've had a rough few weeks here as well...but it is finally starting to look better. Hang in there - will be thinking of you.

Katie said...

Sending you thoughts and prayers. I know how you feel I have been in a funk and I feel like it's annoying mist that will not go away.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, thoughtful post. Thanks for sharing!
Big((((HUGS)))) sent your way too!

sarah said...

beautifully written, jen. you're in my thoughts!

Swedish Mama said...

Thanks for sharing your heart, Jen. So many of us understand, which makes it easier to pray for you. Thanks also for the song, really needed that today.

Love.Peace.Happiness said...

Thank you, Jen! Thank you (your family) for coming into my life at such a pivotal point in my life! After all these years; I emailed your dad and asked him for advice regarding a situation at work last week; through his prayers; Ive praised HIM IN THE STORM; and I am now drying and loving our Lords Son and Warmth! Amen! You are so thoughtful and true! Thank you for sharing your heart and soul!

Anonymous said...

love. love. love. :)

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