
vacation pics

a few quick pics from our mini vacation... to lakeside, ohio


miniature golf... lilly style (she would hit the ball backwards through her legs, then search for the ball)

kenton row... this is where we stay. i think this is the 4th consecutive year we've stayed here. all 15 of us :)

...and wow! thanks to those who commented on my last post. ill let it run a few more days to see if anyone else signs up for the 'drawing'... (see previous post)

ill draw on friday, so make sure to check back to see if you won :)


erin said...

Lilly put-put is right up my alley!

Great pic of Dave and Lilly.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Lilly can do the downward dog just like Joey! :) We should take lessons from them.

Anonymous said...

Neat pictures. Thats a cute of Lilly on the putt putt course. Karen R

Anonymous said...

Love the high school picture. Who knew Dave had hair!!!
Maybe I should try Lilly's putt-putt techniqe - it may improve my score.

Anonymous said...

nice photo's.......
I looked up the link to lakeside, that looks like a great place for a vacation!
HMMMM..maybe next year!

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