For Father's Day we
surprised Dave with the Wii and WiiFit.
In fact, earlier that week... Dave had started up a Wii savings envelope. (Little did he know there was one sitting wrapped up in his closet.) This money later went to buy MarioKart. (There is now a no more spending money block on the Wii in our household.)

We had heard that the Wii and the WiiFit were nearly impossible to find, so I wasn't too bent on being able to find one in time. But... I was able to find them both on 2 separate occasions within a week of wanting to find them for Father's Day. So... i knew it was meant to be, and it was OK for me to splurge, since they were there at the store for us :)
Here is our little Wii Family :)
or Mii Family should i say...
It's so fun to see each other in all the games.
Like when I'm jogging... the Mii kids and Mii Dave will run by.
One time Dave's Mii winked at me :) That was nice.
Or Mii Dave and Mii Lilly will throw me hula-hoops. (There is video of me hula-hooping. I was unaware I was being taped, and this will not be shown on the blog. or anywhere.)
We are thinking of making all kinds of Miis... grandmas and grandpas, Paula Deen, Rachael Ray, Scott from Meijer, the neighbors.... all the people we know... ha!
Here are some videos... from the first few days with the Wii.
I haven't noticed any extra aggression with the kids, so we aren't being bad parents by letting them box:) To be honest, I don't think they've 'played' too much since the day we got it. Lilly gets worn out from it pretty easy... she can only handle so much running in place and punching before her little arms and legs get tired :)
Mommy and Daddy are enjoying it though!
I never thought I'd be a gaming family... the Wii is fun though. Very family oriented, and even better that it is made by Nintendo.
Gotta give love to the old school games :)
Still reading??
...dont forget about the SALE @ Mandarin Pixie!
... and the recipe collection!! (i may be extending the due date for this, with this being a busy week/weekend for everyone)
Enjoy the rest of your week :)