ah. are you there?
anyone reading this?
so, im know im not so exciting these days...
no great scrappy stampy work to show...
no crazy work or life stories.
barely any comments on my posts...
ah that's ok... i'll blog to humor myself :)
maybe ive been booted off your blog reading,
blogline lists... lol.
(if you dont have bloglines yet, and you read a lot of blogs... you will really enjoy having it!)
so anyways... still feeling cruddy, but i've actually managed to cook 2 nights in a row... (something i don't think has happened in the past 2 months...)
here is the recipe to last night's meal... courtesy of Martha :)
Spaghetti Carbonaravery tasty. very simple. and it seemed better for you than fettucine alfredo (another one of my favorites...)
tonight i made
Reuben's... our way (which really isnt 'our' way, but the way of a lady i used to teach with...) here's how you stack it up.
*rye bread (buttered on one side)
*corned beef
*swiss cheese
coleslaw (that's the sneaky part... instead of sauerkraut...EWWWW)
*thousand island dressing
*rye bread (buttered on one side)
Grilled in a big pan on the stove... delicious!! I could eat this once a week!
alright, so there you go... another boring post by me :)
so those of you who enjoy food, may have something to reply about :)
happy week everyone :)oh, and forgot to say... our almost FREE
dale and thomas popcorn came the other day. now we are on popcorn overload... and that is a good thing :)