(i treated myself.)
habit list.
you can add things to do...
and cross them off as you are done.
i like lists.
i really like crossing things off my list.
i added 'blog' to my list for 2 days a week.
it popped up today... and here is my blog.
don't forget to add your email in the 'follow' by email box on the right if you want updates when i post! you'll add your email, then they will have you do a word verification, then they will email to have you confirm. confirm and wallah... email updates! (i did it with my email to try it out, it works. yes... a few annoying steps, but once and you are done!)
good luck with the lists! I love lists but I find those on the phone I'm not as useful at crossing off! I can't wait for more blogging!
I love making lists. I'm also really good at losing said lists. :)
Yay for blogging twice a week! :)
Love the app, glad your back :)
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