
i should have known...

just a few things i didn't know until well after i should have known. i won't admit to the actual ages at which i figured these things out... let's just say that i should have known well before i did.

-Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. always.
-these little metal tack bracket things are called brads

-hot on the left. cold on the right.
-fiction vs. non-fiction

sad. yes.
true. yes...


Saturday night...

my Saturday evening =
finally opening my chocolate covered pretzels from Christmas...
very sexy pajama pants...
topped off with folding laundry.

it's about to get wild around here.


Guilty on the healthy side...

habit list wants me to blog today.
ok... here you go.

2 frozen bananas in the food processor.
added in 2 TBS natural peanut butter.
topped with 24 dark chocolate almonds.

570 calories.

not too bad for a special treat on a day with some calories to spare ;)


weston's 1st skate

the little man has been walking for quite a while now.
it's only right to get him in his skates.
 lilly, cohen, and weston all wore these skates their first time out.
size 6 bauer beavers.
 the skates fit, so...
it's time to hit the ice.
 he absolutely loved it.
smiled and 'stepped' almost the whole time.
(lilly and cohen were less than thrilled their first time out...)
 we took him off the ice every now and then...
(to save mommy and daddy's backs)
and he'd point and say 'more more more'.
i think we have another little hockey player in the works.
melts my heart...
the family that skates together stays together :)


habit list

i've got a fancy new app.
(i treated myself.)

habit list.

you can add things to do...
and cross them off as you are done.

i like lists.
i really like crossing things off my list.

i added 'blog' to my list for 2 days a week.
it popped up today... and here is my blog.


don't forget to add your email in the 'follow' by email box on the right if you want updates when i post!  you'll add your email, then they will have you do a word verification, then they will email to have you confirm.  confirm and wallah... email updates! (i did it with my email to try it out, it works. yes... a few annoying steps, but once and you are done!)



we've got a little style around here.

handmade scarves.
the return of the eighties.

and a rainbow of colors...
(I'm a big supporter of letting kids dress themselves.)
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