
First of all... thank you all so very very much for the kind comments, emails and phone calls during this rough time!! I have cried, laughed and smiled a lot this past week knowing that so many people are here for us, and genuinely care about us. Each one of you is amazing and without all of your support this whole situation would be a lot more difficult. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And now to the good stuff.... what makes our world go round.
(Special thanks to Dave's buddy Roland, for bringing over this great 'prop'!)

Our little bikers.
(let's see how many pictures blogger will hold...)

Happy Halloween!
Have a wonderful weekend :)


erin said...

Oh wow! Those are seriously fun! I bet you can't wait to scrap those! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I love it! They are so cool! (I guess saying "cute" would be offensive to bikers, wouldn't it?)

Katie said...

they are so cute!

Tammy said...

Oh they are way too funny!
I love it :)

P.S. Those candy corn hats are ADORABLE!!

P.S.S. Glad to hear things are going better ...

Mary said...

I laughed out loud they are so cute, how fun!! I'm sorry you were having a rough time, I too send hugs and prayers to all of you!

P.S. love you applique work, it is way better than mine! I get discouraged everytime I try. Yours is beautiful!

lisa said...

OMGosh!! Those pics are priceless!!

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